Dear Father God, I know that you would have all people come to the cross in simple, trusting faith to lose all their burden of guilt and find peace with you. So in the name of Jesus I pray for revival and understand that it is a deeply personal matter that begins in my heart and the hearts of your people.
Dear Father help me to deal with the sin of pride, I understand that pride is living and doing things my way and not yours. I know that you oppose the proud and give grace to the humble. Please show me where and help me to say no to the self life and the works of the flesh. Father help me to obey your word in loving others, in healing relationships. I give up the right to be bitter. Help me to overcome worry, for worry is not trusting you. Lord guide and help me to obey your word, empower me to take the scriptures seriously. O Lord create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, please forgive me my sins.
And finally Dear Father lead me to have appreciation for the body of Christ, to bless and support them, I pray for leaders and servants in our Church for revival, raise them up, teach and lead them and empower them. To you be the glory. Amen